Green Homes Grant Scheme Garstang
You might have already heard of the new Green Homes Grant Scheme Garstang but, what does it entail exactly? Well, the scheme allows homeowners and landlords to get up to £10,000 worth of vouchers to help make their properties more energy-efficient.
That’s great news for landlords and homeowners but, how do you apply and what is covered? With the Green Homes Grant Scheme, Garstang homeowners and landlords can apply in September 2020 using the Simple Energy Advice website.
You will need a quote from an approved installer as well, how much you will get will depend on your income with the majority of vouchers being capped at £5000 and they can only cover two-thirds of the total cost. However, low-income landlords/ homeowners will be capped at £10,000 and can cover the total cost.
The exact eligibility criteria is yet to be revealed although industry experts are predicting the majority of landlords and homeowners will be covered. It’s also unknown what exactly will be covered when it comes to making your home energy efficient.
But again, it seems fair to predict that most energy-saving measures like insulation and double glazing will be covered. The Green Homes Grant Scheme Garstang is great news for landlords and homeowners, and we’ll bring you more news about the eligibility criteria and what exactly it covers when it’s revealed.
Triple Glazing
If news about the Green Homes Grant Scheme Garstang is making you consider ways to make your home/ property more energy efficient then you should definitely consider triple glazing. But what is triple glazing exactly?
Well, it’s effectively double glazing but with another pane of glass. In-between each pane of glass is a pocket or air/ gas and the third pane acts as an airlock which helps boost energy efficiency. Triple glazing is estimated to be about 50% more energy-efficient than double glazing.
Energy Efficient Windows and Doors
When it comes to making your home/ property more energy-efficient the windows and doors will be the focal points for many people. Opting for glazing on windows is a popular option but you can also opt to get more energy-efficient window frames like those made from uPVC or wood.
Another thing to consider since we now have the reveal of the Green Homes Grant Scheme Garstang is getting your doors replaced. Old or worn doors will be very poor when it comes to energy efficiency. Doors have an energy efficiency rating on the A++ to E scale so, opting for doors with a higher rating will help a lot when it comes to making your home/ property more energy efficient. Please contact us.
Secondary Glazing
Secondary glazing is another way to make your home more energy-efficient and it involves installing a secondary window on the interior side of existing windows. These internal windows effectively form double glazing and will help when it comes to heat retention and sound reduction.
Secondary glazing is an alternative to traditional double/ triple glazing and provides many of the same benefits. Secondary glazing does also provide security benefits as well so it could be a great way of improving both security and energy efficiency. For more information about Secondary Glazing check out the Secondary Glazing Blackpool website.